| The Grandview Municipality Council meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month for regular council meetings which are open to the public. The meeting are held at 7:00 p.m. at the Council Chambers at the Municipal Office. Additional special meetings of Council are held as required along with other various committee and consultation meetings as may be required. Members of the public wishing to make a presentation at a Council meeting should contact the Municipal Office at least 3 working days prior to the Council meeting to ensure a spot on the agenda. Mayor ~ Lyle Morran204-572-4180 lymorr@outlook.com Councillor ~ Jeff Elliott204-638-1706 gvjelliott@yahoo.ca Councillor ~ Clinton Myers204-572-6576 cjomyers@outlook.com Councillor ~ Craig Clow431-999-9652 craigclow9@gmail.com Councillor ~ Tom Stirling204-648-5409 tstirling65@gmail.com Councillor ~ Jim Winfield204-638-2650 winfieldgv@gmail.com Councillor ~ Art Leatherdale604-512-8584 art1260@gmail.com |